At Lyndhurst Primary School we have a whole school approach to the teaching of PSHE. We aim to ensure that all our children leave our setting with an understanding of their place in the world and how they can have a positive impact on our global community. It is our aim to ensure that all children have high expectations of themselves and what they are able to achieve in their life.

What is PSHE?

 PSHE stands for Personal, Social, Health and Emotional education. It is taught throughout the school from early years up to year 6. It is used to develop our pupils understanding of themselves, their feelings and what they need to do in order to stay healthy, safe and prepared for later life. It is split into 3 main areas: Living in the Wider World, Health & Wellbeing and Relationships.

Living in the Wider World: this refers to your child and how they have an impact on our local and global community. This covers areas such as rule of law, their future aspirations and how to look after the environment. 

Health & Wellbeing: this refers to how your child looks after themselves both physically and emotionally. This can cover areas such as keeping healthy, managing emotions and looking after their teeth. 

Relationships: this refers to your child and how they manage their interactions with others. This mainly covers friendships as other relationships are covered in our RSE unit. 

How is it taught?

 PSHE is taught at least once over a 2 week period in a stand alone lesson. There are several opportunities throughout our school day where PSHE teachings can be reinforced or taught alongside other subjects.

 Progression in PSHE.docxDownload
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